Friday, February 20, 2015

A tropical heat wave

It's a balmy -3 degrees up from -12.  Sun is kinda out.  I had a very long day into night yesterday, including having an ear impaction removed.  Still aches.  Leaving early today.  Stayed up late last night and started moving stuff out of the bedroom into the living room.  The fish tanks are gone, thanks to Captain Nemo.  I was able to get all three cat carriers down so they can have hidey holes until and post move for their peace of minds.  I did my once a year oversleep this morning and I am just running on empty.

Session with Hyphen was good.  I'd like to have two more sessions next week.  She will be off the 9th and 16th of March so I want to get my shot in now before she deserts  me.  Looks like I will be moving the week of the 23rd of March or the 30th (more likely).  I am just getting more and more agitated as the move impends.  I am very much like a cat...any type of change is awkward.  And this is the worse of changes, moving.  I have steeled my mind to that.

Toni is coming over Sunday to sort clothes and kitchen stuff.  I have loads to donate.  Weather permitting we can drop some stuff to the house.  Going to pick up paint on Saturday.  Things are just percolating along.

Leaving early today and I believe a nap will be in order.

[time passes and we have warmed to +7, the warmest it has been in a week]

Lunch was better than it has been of late.  Now that I know we are leaving at 2:30 the next two hours will past like molasses on a well digger's ass in the Yukon.  I so love mixing metaphors.

La la land awaits.

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