Friday, February 27, 2015

Blabity, blabity, blabity, blah...

So, I might have had a nice day yesterday save for the fact that I had a very intense therapy session, followed by a very expensive afternoon.  Ask not how much money went out on the house, just know that it was quite a chunk of change.  The kitchen cabinets came in and I paid off the balance and paid the contractor for work done and supplies.  So more than half the money I  received Wednesday has been spent.  That said, the  cabinets go in Monday and Tuesday they get the templates for the granite countertops.  I should move, hold your breath, within a month.  End of March. This weekend we do some running around and then I will start to work on getting the bedroom/music room organized and packed up.  The armoire is a bloody mess and it easier to sort and pack rather than to rearrange and stuff back in the armoire

Feels like Ursula the Ulcer is back.  This stress is taking its toll.   Hyphen goes away for two weeks in March.  That will be hard on me and everyone else who knows me as we have entered a critical point in therapy.  I guess I'll just blog about everything.  Ah, my friends, you shall pay the price for Hyphen's abandonment.  So, it's spring break,  BFD!  Once she is back I have to make sure I am not moving big time on a Monday.  And Brad is leaving for Florida the second week of April. So things will be settled by then, in terms of completion of the house and the move.  So it is crunch time.

The wind is in, last night I couldn't sleep. You know it sure is hard to live here but this is no longer my home.  Maybe its been too long a time since I have been living but I miss my bed and clean white linens, one thousand thread count sheets.  Yes the house is coming along.  Should be the floors getting tended to next and then the walls get painted.  Move, move, move.  The boys are marching.

Okay, so I am channeling Lois/Leah and dealing with loss.  Moving will also bring a certain closure to a chapter of my life.  I need a lot of closure.  Yesterday would have been my buddy Jerry's 78th birthday.  Yesterday I would have been late to therapy save for JB, who also had an actual birthday yesterday.  I remember when I sold the family manse in Detroit.  My realtor buddy took me by the empty house to say goodbye to my childhood home.  It was sad.  I wonder if I will feel as sad as that.  But, as Hyphen knows, I just want the next few weeks to be over and the move to be done with.  No exploding mother coming into my room and emptying my closet of its contents.  No waiting for the other shoe to fall.

Suck it up, Czarina.  Stay calm and move on.

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