Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Why, oh why?

Do you know what I hate? "What's that, Czarina?" Why do people feel so compelled to tell me their own horror stories about contractors and home remodeling?   From my well intentioned aunt to various and sundry co-workers.  I am about ten days into Sans Souci's makeover and people are driving bat shit crazy with advice.  So what do I do?  Why I withdraw into myself and try to steady myself with a diet of self affirmations.  It also did not help that my normal Monday appointment with Hyphen did not happen this week due to the snow storm.  That has also put me on a rather tenuous footing.  This week I go Friday and then again Monday.  And, yes, dammit, I need it.  So I called the head shrink and received permission to up some medication to to get me out of the funk I am in.  I truly don't mean to push people away but it is a safety valve I have used in the past to get through dismal times so I don't inadvertently hurt feelings but...

Just got a text from the contractor.  Bathroom is being remodeled as we speak.  I asked him for an approximate schedule of what will be done and when.  I KNOW the kitchen cabinets won't be in for three to four weeks.  Granite has been selected.  Appliances ordered.  Furniture in the warehouse awaiting delivery.  I have the paints selected.  I have no room in the bedroom in my current abode and this situation is causing some additional stress.  Also, Wednesday is when the cleaning lady comes and I never know what surprises await me after she has cleaned.  Little things, like the toilet paper being put on the roll contrary to my way.  I hope she did not try to clean the bedroom.  THERE IS NO ROOM TO MOVE IN THE BEDROOM.  And she is doing a piss poor job on cleaning the bathtub.  I thought, at one point, paying her in cash would be easier for her.  But she came by this past weekend and took the money she would have received today so essentially she is working for "free" today.  From now on she gets a check.  She needs to learn some common sense fiscal habits.  I shouldn't need to babysit her.  I can ask Toni to talk some sense into her.  But this all is another camel straw in the heap of straws. 

Skipping break to talk to shrink and write my blog, which I have neglected for a few days.  First was the snow day and then the ill-mannered Ms. Mal and her sniping over the walls about noise (she is on my shit list for noise).  If it is too loud for her, she ought to look into her black heart and see that she is the chief perpetrator of noise of late.  And Yes, I made a few phone calls today...mind your own fuxing business. 

I am tired and agitated.  I have a session of reflexology when I get home.  Hyphen's orders.  Meet with Dan the Man next week to discuss finances.  That means a free lunch.  Ah, but is there such a thing as a free lunch?  All this should work to calm me.  Must take more drugs, doctor's orders.  Brad has agreed to send me a schedule of the renovation work.  I can post that daily so everyone can JUST BACK OFF!!!  Maybe it is the layoff from music.  THERE IS NO ROOM TO MOVE IN THE MUSIC/BEDROOM.

The problem is once I withdraw is how to re-emerge from my isolation.  Just bop in as if nothing has happened?  Yeah, that has worked before.  Some people might actually be glad to see me again.

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