Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sans Souci Redux

Heard from Brad last night the bathroom is almost complete save for some tile work and the kitchen floor has been put in place.  The cabinets will be in at the end of the month and the work on the counter tops will complete the kitchen on the 17th of March.   Last to be done will be the floors to be refinished and the painting.   We are going paint shopping Saturday to get enough for the house and the condo to be done.  Sherwin Williams is having a paint sale.  YAHOO!  30% off.  That should help.

Last night I managed to not eat dinner and work on the computer until almost midnight.  Woke up again at 3:00 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep.  Today I am having lunch with Steve the Mortgage Broker and then after work Brad will stop by and get some more money to put into Sans Souci.  In my glee about the progress at the house I failed to remember it is party day at work and I brought naught.  Well, once settled in the new house I will make glorious snacks to bring to my co-workers.  A warm artichoke dip used to be my specialty.  I think I can make something sweet with all the new kitchen gadgets I have acquired.  Time will tell.

But what of the life of the mind (or mime)?  I have another session with Hyphen this week and then I think I can go back to once a week.  But that depends on the next session.  So much is going on and when I was in the shade of depression I seemed to focus more solidly on issues.  Now I am feeling lighter and better and the session yesterday was not as meaningful as I had hoped.

Oh, well.  Excelsior.

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