Thursday, February 19, 2015

Hyphen redux

Heading out to see Hyphen in a few.  Second session this week.  I have some real issues I have managed to focus on since the last session.  Also, after my lunch with the mortgage broker I was so sick at work I could hardly keep my head up and very oogie.  Five Dramamines later I was home and feeling less so.  Went to Sans Souci and saw the progress was being made and did not have a panic attack like I did three weeks ago.  That's my progress.

Today with Hyphen I will discuss the oogies and the issues I have with some people in terms of mommy issues and me ending up being The Mommy again for so many people.  I don't think it is a matter of being anal or a control freak but we will let Hyphen weigh in on this.

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