Thursday, January 28, 2016

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick

Seems my good friend and antagonist Jack has removed all of their comments they had previously posted to the blog.  They have removed the comments made by their own hand.  Where is says: This comment has been removed by the author, they are the author in question.  I would never remove a comment.  However, I would say that making it more difficult, if not impossible, to post comments anonymously, may have hastened their decision to remove the comments.  Lacking my panache, whimsy and sarcasm, they have decided that desertion is the better part of valor.  For this I give them a small trophy for making the effort to participate and a lovely parting gift of a narwhal.  Good thing I made a print out of the comments they made previous to their redaction. 

As my friend would opine  "Gotta love it!"  And, yes, indeed I do have friends that I have yet to name and antagonize.  Stay tuned.

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