Tuesday, January 26, 2016

No apologies, no regrets and never settle

The above, aside from being my New Years resolution, is my feeling toward "Jack", a mere flea on the arse of God, whose gender and orientation I am as unsure of as I suspect they are.  Needless to say, but I will, you can see their public comments made on this blog, some dating from last year, some redacted  by their own hand.  I have never used the actual names of the people I write about but Jack has chosen to "out" them or thinks they have outed them, so to speak, and has threatened me personally with "fallout".   As much as I'd like them to think...but no, their writing speaks of a troubled  mind, that they have upset me, have some secret knowledge of some terrible acts I have committed, I'd like them to know whatever this "fallout" is I intend to continue to write on my blog, on my personal Gmail account, on my time, whatever the hell I feel like writing.  I am entitled to my freedom of expression, as I know in their anonymity they are entitled to write whatever they want.  So I encourage you to go back and read some of their comments dating to last December.  I especially enjoyed their remark about me being a talentless dolt whose neighbors are glad she has moved.  Nothing they can do or say hasn't been done or said to me before and by better minds.  And as far as the above mentioned God and saving my soul I guess we will all see when that bell finally tolls.

Enough said.

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