Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Never assume

I have been perusing some of my pal Jack's comments and it strikes me that the wrong person has assumed they are the SoulSucker.  Ah, dear one, it ain't you and yes that new house is working out for me just fine and Carol Channing herself has blessed the undertaking.   The person who assumed they were to be the ride to Detroit wasn't.  Never assume, as Daddy said.  No. The SoulSucker is a far more sinister persona and not you.  Sounds like a little guilt rearing its ugly head.   

In any event, waiting for the other shoe to fall, I breathe a sigh of relief.  I am pretty certain of the identity of Jack and I give neither pin nor fart for their  angry words. As I approach thirty two fricking years at the same place I look back not at what I have lost but more at the positive gains.  Sticks and stones.  Remember the cautionary tale about stone soup?  You make what you can and call it good.  

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