Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Pity Party

Well, I want to have one.  I am a little weary of taking care of myself as well as a number of other people.  I know I have set myself up for that by playing that role all my life, e.g., caring for an alcoholic mother and being the family clown and peacemaker.  But still.  And, as a by the way, did you know that Drunkenness (Philosophy) is a legitimate subject heading?  My family could have majored in it.  This heading showed on my work list this morning and I just had to laugh...Drunkenness (Philosophy)...who da' thought.  My family once lived a life of the stuff subject headings are made of...but I digress.

All my life I have had bruxism issues.'s up to you to find the definition...I am not taking care of anyone but me today.  So (maybe a hint) I was at the dentist yesterday and made the $2,500 commitment to remedy the situation before I have little more than nubs and the fragments of a recurring dream about my mouth and it's misfortunes.  Basically I would like a little empathy for my position.  Was any forthcoming yesterday...Well, was there?  I think not.  I ended up the day caring for a friend and dragging her into the world of smart phones.  She was ready for one...but she needed me to pull the trigger for her so tomorrow I will be setting up her phone after work.  I don't want to go to her cluttered house again.  So that was the one concession she was willing to make.  My God, the woman is a hoarder.  I am surprised she can find her cats in the clutter.  Maybe she can't as she has to shake the food bag to bring them running.

In mid-February I have more dental appointments and will not doubt emerge with a beautiful smile.  But, hell, some sympathy for my plight of having to sit in a dentist's chair for almost two hours while they do the prep work for the crowns.  Lots of novocaine (heck, why not just put me out.  I'll be a nervous wreck for those two hours with the sounds of the dentist office surrounding me)...

Seems like almost everyone I know is sick but still...a little empathy for my state (I have given you sufficient support).

Good thing I have therapy today.  Normally my issue is setting and keeping boundaries, but today I just want to stop caring for others and care for myself today.  That's all.

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