Thursday, January 14, 2016

Oh, my...

The other day, Tuesday, I was on lunch and a librarian was at lunch with her son, who is a fabulous musician, and I approached them and, putting my hand on her shoulder, said how much I enjoyed his music, how much pleasure it had given me and I laughed and said, regards his mother, that she was a pain in the ass.  Everyone laughed and I thought that was the end of it.  Seems I was mistaken.  Another librarian who was not party to this exchange, one who I was once close to but I had ended the mentoring relationship on a sour note, was able to agitate this first librarian into a near frenzy over my, what I thought was, an innocence remark.  This second librarian, whom I shall refer to as the Beached Whale, managed to get the first librarian so upset at the  thought I had disrespected her that they were going to take the matter to our human resources office.  Mind you, I am a rep for my union so they might have been in for a humiliating experience had they actually gone that route.  No, they went to my supervisor, the two of them, the Beached Whale saying she was only there for a listening ear.  Some ear.  My boss who was basically clueless to the relationship between the Beached Whale and myself,  was able to calm the first librarian down, and the Beached Whale wondered out loud if I wasn't having some health issues she didn't know about (as if she would...Good grief everyone here at the library knows I am bipolar).  Well, long story short, other than being very agitated by this turn of events, I sent a note of apology to the first librarian and offered to buy her a cup of coffee so I might apologize in person.  Now I will mention that the other day, that being Wednesday, the Beached Whale smiled at me , which I mistook for gas but was apparently her good deed rearing its ugly head in my direction which after years of non-recognition she was able to get back at me for shutting her out of my life.  This person was initially a mentor in my life, which morphed into a friendship, which morphed into a medical power of attorney, which morphed into a surgical procedure I didn't want to have, with results that were less that satisfactory, to the point I was off work for six weeks to recover.  It was shortly thereafter I told her, alright in an email, that she was no longer welcomed in my life and I had moved on.  God knows what she really wanted from me other than absolute control over my life and friends.  She even referred to our good friend Sophie Horowitz as trailer trash, which I hear is one grade below white trash.  And this was while she was having lunch with Sophie.  The Beached Whale is so desperate for friends that she stirs up any pot so as to  ingratiate herself for her own demonic purposes.  She has gone through more friends and people than Carter has little liver pills.  And then some.

As far as I am concerned the incident is done.  If there is any fallout from this I will, you can be assured, take it to the union and nail their collective non-unionized asses.

I mention this to all my readers and their friends to beware the Beached Whale and her offer of friendship.  It comes at a price...On the other hand, to all those thousands of lost friends of The Beached Whale, you are at least in good company...

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