Monday, January 25, 2016


I seem to not have written anything in a little over a week.  Well, there is a reason for that...not much has happened.  I did have a rather interesting conclusion to the clusterfux of ten days ago, re: my smart ass remark.  A rather shadowy figure approached me to shake my hand, and congratulate me on how I handled the situation and that the person in question was, indeed, a pain in the ass.  There. It is done with.

Since the incident the PITAL (Pain in the Ass Librarian) was seen waving to me in a friendly gesture.  If my medication were not so well regulated I'd might think I was working in a dysfunctional universe, albeit a universe the scale of a library. To a certain extent there is a level of dysfunction we all tolerate.  Seems us true mental cases, such as myself, just stands back and wonder who the crazies are: Us or Them.  Usually it is truly them.  Thems that doesn't acknowledge the true insane  and inane nature of life.  The Beached Whale is still out to get me and in this case it isn't my paranoia talking out loud.  The smile she bestowed on me in the ladies' room was evil incarnate.  That is the person with the agenda and the true mental case.

Yes, we were once mentor and mentee.  Now she is just the mental.  Her line to my boss that I must have some ongoing health issues that made me lash out at PITAL was so off the mark and so out of line as to make me very angry and upset.  Yes, the Beached Whale once had my medical power of attorney but she used it as a tool to make me so dependent upon her judgement that I was totally left out of the process of making my own decisions, which, by her hand, cost me six weeks of work for a procedure she thought was in my best interest.  Forget what I thought.  I was left out of my own equation.

So. Here it is, years after I "dumped" her (what did she really want of me then and why has she chosen now to get "her revenge"?)  Well, The Beached Whale is the nut case.  I am not the one who has screwed up chance after chance to play a role with the library.  I am not the one delegated to a small corner of the library with virtually no role to play and just biding my time until they make me retire.  So it is no wonder she has an agenda and an axe to grind.  Hopefully next time the neck she chooses to go after won't be mine. 


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  3. Ah, Jack, you truly are a cunning linguist. Now who is this Leslie person of whom you write? And you are quite correct that this is a public blog. Perhaps you have heard of a little thing called freedom of speech? Why, gosh, I am sure glad I do this on my time, on my GMail account and not on the Library's dime, as it were.
