Friday, January 15, 2016

Waste of time

My well meaning apology to the Librarian of yesterday basically fell on deaf ears.  I was informed this morning that lunch is a professional setting and I embarrassed her in front of her son, whose opinion she values.  She opined that I owed him an apology as well as not being able to "figure out where I offered the place for uninvited remarks like that in a professional setting from a co-worker.  Maybe you can shed some light on that when we have coffee".  I see the pot being stirred here by the Beached Whale.  It took this librarian almost twenty hours to respond to my apology with this drivel.  I have wasted more than enough time on this and will waste more as I am meeting with a union rep today as well as the library's head of HR.  I also sent a letter of apology to the son

I have yet to hear her reaction but I do hear kettle drums in the distance.   The Beached Whale is plotting her revenge against me.  Well, I am a little weary of this tension between librarians and staff.  My God, they have such an inferiority complex regards their status in the system (they are not really faculty and not really staff and don't have a true tenure process) that they belittle staff.  The Beached Whale and I have a bad history and I suspect this is her way of getting back at me for dumping her.  Oh, yes, I think she wants me, maybe not in "that way" but she wants me back in her life, or rather my life to her's, but I truly believe this is her revenge.  They are planning a response to my apology where I tried to leave no room for a response.  But oh my yes indeed it will come.  I  have my unionized ducks in a row and HR will have no choice, I hope, to support me.  I can be the offended one as well.  Why pick on me?  Maybe they are secretly jealous of me...who knows and who really cares.  I want this to stop and just get on with my work and life at work...

Fux it all...