Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A laborious weekend...not

I had a great weekend.  As promised the new guitar was waiting for me when I arrived home, as were four dozen Kosher hot dogs.  I played one and cooked the other.  As hot dogs don't play well with others it was the Guild guitar I unpacked and cradled in my arms.  It is a concert size, a smaller guitar, as opposed to a dreadnought, which is more than a mere sailing ship of a guitar.  I played and played and played.  My fingertips, unaccustomed to playing for almost eight weeks, screamed as they tried to accommodate my hour long jam session.  Yes, the Hebrew Jammer is in da house.  And I will tell you that before I sat down to play I did unpack the Vienna Brand (not style but brand)  all beef Kosher hot dogs shipped that day from Chicago, city of the big shoulders and the best Kosher hot dogs, and place them in the freezer, leaving out two for dinner that night.  I made Chicago style hot dogs, sans the poppyseed buns, but dragged through the garden as it were.  It was the first time I had cooked since my confinement in the boot.  Heartened as I was by my new found mobility I hobbled around in the boot without the aid of the crutches.  And by Monday night I had decided to try to wear both shoes and go to work with the boot but not wearing it.  I put a brace on that ankle and we will see how the day goes. The break feels healed but the ankle is very tight and a little achy.  If I get tired or more achy I will put the boot back on.  But I will, in general, take it easy regards walking all week.  Just trips to the LR and the Cyber Cafe will be it.  And not too often.  Certainly it does not help that the weather is so blasted humid and rainy.  A drier and cooler day and perhaps the ache would be minimal.

I played both my new guitar and my lovely mandolin this weekend, preparatory to resuming lessons and getting ready for Jammin' Jews, now scheduled for Novemener 21st.  I meet with a musical mentor this Thursday and we will draw up a playlist and that I will rehearse and practice until I have achieved a level of confidence.  If I have to do songs in Hebrew I will need a great deal of help but Yiddish I can somewhat handle as that is what my grandparents spoke, especially when they didn't want the kids to understand what was being said.

So, this weekend brought a resumption of music, a resumption of cooking and a resumption of a less hobbled approach to walking.

And...away I go...

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