Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Happy Birthday Sophie Handelman

It being the 1st of September it is an auspicious day as Sophie turns another page in the book of life.  A major page, if you will, mayhap a chapter.  Sophie and I have been friends for over thirty years and the ties keep growing.  Perhaps you have known her in the past as Gastric but she has since morphed into Sophie Handelman after an equally relevatory trip to West Bloomfield where she became her own true self. 

We share much the same sense of humor.  To quote Chuckles the Clown "A little song, a little dance, a little seltzer down your pants".  No, truly it is verily a puerile sense of humor.  That being said, what could be more giggle worthy that a well place burp or, even better, a fart.  I know Mrs. Smith is chuckling at the mere thought.  So at our advanced ages (she more so that I) find true humor is the most likely places.  Now let it not be said we don't have a mature side (we really don't) but she of rapier sharp wit and me of witty repartee make the best of weird situations.  Like work.  We had once a friend, hereafter referred to as the Soul Sucker, who after years of our juvenile humor (and laughing at it) found pleasure in cutting us off saying what a poor example we set for the students (as opposed to her good example of being dense and  a racist (not mutually exclusive)).  So Soph and I go on our merry way of being childlike in out humor (not merely childish) and laugh out way home every night where we call each other repeatedly and laugh some more.

Happy Birthday Mrs. Handelman. 

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