Monday, September 21, 2015

Hyphen 2.0...the renaming

We have a new member of the cataloging team who has a voice as annoying as her predecessor and has been dubbed J***2.0 (and am I ever jealous that Green Tuna came up with that designation before I did (no relation to MPT (heaven forbid))).  So Hyphen 2 has been renamed to Hyphen 2.0 (or just 2.0).  Ms. JB was getting confused as I was referring to Hyphen 2.0 as just Hyphen and the original Hyphen had me in session on Mondays and 2.0 has me in session on Tuesdays.  She was getting confused as to what days to pick me up.  So Hyphen 2 is now the new and improved Hyphen 2.0.

So, why should the days confuse JB?  Why should it matter when she has to pick me up?  Well, my darlings, I do not drive.  Scares the pookie out of me.  I am even a bad passenger (just ask anyone) as I "ride" the "passenger side brake".  Oh, I drove many years ago and was a pretty bad driver, but I still have a driver's license.  But as for actually driving so much since 1976 when I migrated from Detroit.  The last time I drove as on a Jack Daniels fueled road trip to New Orleans in 1979.  The car had a stick and I would drive the night shift as I couldn't drive a stick.  I would slip in behind the driver and just take over and when dawn broke rosy over the highway I would pull the car off to the side of the road and stall it to a stop.  Some day I may go deeper into the whole story but I do remember getting money from a friend (Thanks Jon (and Cheryl)) (in the days before ATMs)...writing him a check and taking his available cash and heading on a wing and a prayer to ostensibly Hot Springs and then proceeding to New Orleans, where my friend totaled the car but it was still road-worthy so we took the insurance payoff and stayed another week in New Orleans and took our time returning to East Lansing.  And when we arrived we were without money, cigarettes and Jack Daniels.  So that is my story and I am sticking to it.

And so it goes.  I just know you want to hear more of this story.  Well, perhaps soon...

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