Friday, September 4, 2015

Shine a little light...

As indicated yesterday, amid the noise and light of the morning, today is new guitar and laundry day.  My pal, Brody's former mom, AKA Phyllis Edelman, is coming to my abode to, dare I say it, strip, (you should pardon the expression) my bed and gather up my laundry and take me to her abode for a dinner and laundry opportunity.  Percy will be there as well and that is great as I need to speak with him about the tree ceremony for my late friend Jerry, and for the planting of said tree (a sugar maple) and the planting of his ashes along with his tree, in the shadow of Beaumont Tower, close to the library he so dearly loved.  Percy is not an Edelman, and how long Phyllis stays one is a question for the ages.  Before that my guitar student and his mom and younger brother will come to my house for a tour and maybe a lesson as I show off my yet to be delivered but to be delivered today Guild Guitar. 

This weekend promises to be a gluttony of Kosher hot dogs, clean laundry, music and sports.  Today MSU, my alma mater, is playing powerhouse (NOT) Western Michigan University at 7:00.  This is the first Friday opener in a number of years not to be played at MSU.  In years past they asked employees to be off campus by 3:00 p.m. to accommodate the onslaught of tailgaters.  Today, for some reason, a number of library departments wanted full staffing (which they are not getting)  Sophie is off for the second day with a headache (as I suspected she would be so I made arrangements on Thursday for a ride home today).  Her department was one that wanted full staffing.  And so it goes.  Unfortunately I can't shine a light on that situation.

I will resume mandolin lessons on the 21st of the month.  Until then, and especially this weekend, I will practice both the mandolin and the new Guild Guitar to be delivered today (had I mentioned that yet?).  I have my therapist on Tuesdays now so Monday lessons will not be as onerous with the haze of a therapy session and Valium hanging over me.  No, I shall be clear eyed.  Speaking of therapists, have I spoken about Hyphen 2 and how much I am enjoying working with her?  She is very engaged and gives a great deal of open and honest feedback.  I don't dread going to therapy, as I did with the Bird (for fear she would spring re-birthing on me or some other hyped up trendy treatment).  No, Hyphen 2 is very well grounded and does treat hypersensitivity in people, formerly known as introversion.  And, yes, I do tend to be introverted, save for these ramblings.  I feel much more in my element when I write then when speaking.  But I am much more verbal than I was, say ten years ago.  I used to be afraid to speak to an "adult" (who are persons, unlike me, who have grown to a certain maturity I feel I lack).  Now I am better at it.  Perhaps it is the practice of speaking with Aunt Marilyn.  But I do feel child-like as compared to my peers.  I feel as if I have never grown up.  As Margaret Atwood opine:  “I believe that everyone else my age is an adult whereas I am merely in disguise.”  I am so inclined.  Adding Maya Angelou to the mix: “I am convinced that most people do not grow up...We marry and dare to have children and call that growing up. I think what we do is mostly grow old. We carry accumulation of years in our bodies, and on our faces, but generally our real selves, the children inside, are innocent and shy as magnolias.”  Indeed that is how I feel.  And when you find someone who expresses your innermost self in a slightly more eloquent fashion you are obliged to quote them in the hopes of giving a more fulsome expression of yourself.  Thus Spake Czarina.

So I indicated hot dogs would be the order of the weekend.  I did order a mess of Vienna all beef hot dogs from Chicago this week, yesterday as a matter of fact, and I anticipate their arrival concurrent with the arrival of the Guild Guitar, however, I will only grill the dogs and not the guitar.  The Guild Guitar I will treat tenderly and lovingly and confess my excess to Hyphen 2 on Tuesday.  That will shine a little light on me.  Hyphen 2 is of the opinion that I ought to enjoy myself and not belittle myself into a deep and dark depression (and that is really for the winter months...but #gottalovewintersolstice).  Dinner with friends tonight, as well as clean laundry, and dinner with dogs on Saturday.  Hopefully Sophie is well enough to shop for me this weekend.  Sophie is older this week having celebrated her old birthday.   We shall see.  While we are two juvenile together if truth be told she is more grown up than I.  I am amazed that such people hang with a child such as myself.

Let us turn our thoughts today to things both juvenile and immature.  The burp and fart, the warp and weft, of life.  That will be me on my deathbed.  Alone (as that is my choice) laughing at one last fart. 

Shine a little light...

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