Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Day 2 Sans boot

My ankle is achy but not as much as I thought it would be based on all the walking I did yesterday.  1.78 miles just by going to the LR and the Cyber Cafe in the library.  It is no worse today so another day without the boot.  I did FINALLY get a referral to a new orthopod but I can't make an appointment...they have to call ME to make the appointment.  That sucks.  I feel like I could benefit from a course of PT and a lighter brace but I may not be able to get in for a month and then WHAT'S THE POINT???  I will be healed by then.  An x-ray is not going to show a thing and I really could use another MRI, but then I am not a doctor, I only play one on TV.  So it is day 2 without the boot.

I didn't get to talk much in therapy about closure issues.  We did talk about my upcoming Jammin' Jews session and also Holocaust denial literature, which she was blissfully unaware of and also of the MPT and her impact on the workplace.  Finally in the last twenty minutes we began to talk about closure regards Jerry and I want to bring that issue up regards Hyphen 1.  Even if Hyphen 1 fully recovers and resumes practice in a year I doubt if I am going to go back to her so I need some closure.  Also I would also like to address my fear that if Hyphen 2 goes on vacation that she might not come back.  That kind of closure I don't want again.  But I really need to deal with Hyphen 1's accident and the fear of losing my safety net.  Need to be more focused with Hyphen 2.  I get the sense she enjoys our sessions.  She wants to see photos of my home and backyard so this weekend I will take the phone out and get her some photos.  I would really like to clean off the overburdened counter to the right and left of the stove before taking those pictures.  I am hoping Sophie's son can help me get two bookshelves up from the basement to be used in a pantry.  If I can do that I would feel less antsy about all the accumulated clutter in the house from my confinement in the boot.  Clutter, clutter everywhere and not a spot for Dink.

Last night I kinda fell asleep watching a baseball game and woke up about 10:30.  I thought "why not play the guitar for an hour and stay up and watch the new Late Show with Stephen Colbert".  So I did.  Wrote part of a new song and actually wrote that part down so I won't forget it.  Got out my book of music that I write and put it in next to my hit single "My Yiddishe Cowgirl".  Ah, there's a song for the ages.  Fell back to sleep at about 12:30 and got up this morning at my usual time of 4:15 so I can practice the mandolin, which I did, and also got out the guitar to work on The Parting Glass.  Why not?  Both a guitar and a mandolin part. 

Alright, kiddies, time to take a seat and engage in my occupation of being the Authority Czarina.  MPT is clearing her throat to her heart's desire and, sorry, it gets to me and I shouldn't let it.  But she has this annoying method of constantly clearing her throat that involves a little lilt at the end.  Very annoying and there she goes again.  Why, oh why???


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