Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Boot redux

Yes indeedy, I is a boot-wearing member of the osteoporosis club.  The new orthopod, who is very similar to Groucho Marx and has a totally unpronounceable and consonant riddled Dutch name, was very thorough and thought my last orthopod was, literally, a Putz.  He said another three to four weeks in the boot and really upped my intake of calcium and Vitamin D.  I am less than happy about the boot but grateful to have a new doctor who really seems to know what he is doing.  I go back on the 6th of October.

La Shana Tovah to all my Jewish readers.  And to the Gentiles amongst you Happy New Year, 5776.  Beat that!  We are as old as the dinosaurs if we are to believe the creationists amongst you (which I won't dignify with an uppercase C).  I thought I was going to go to services tonight but it will be Kol Nidre next Tuesday night for Yom Kippur.  Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, a fasting observance.  It is also the close of the High Holy Days, which started Sunday night with Rosh Hashanah.  Kol Nidre literally means "all vows" and is basically a tort with God and the universe.  It is also a beautifully sung prayer, very plaintive.  Too bad our synagogue has no Cantor, but I hear a number of the men in the congregation have the most beautiful of basso voices.  As for Original Sin, we will have none of that.  Jews believe that man enters the world free of sin, with a soul that is pure and innocent and untainted.  The High Holy Days serve as a time of renewal.  And thus concludeth Judaism 101: The High Holy Days.

On a less than pleasant note, a really unpleasant note that is, the MPT is humming almost constantly.  Now I don't want to get into a pissing match with her regards her humming, as she did with me over my brief humming career.  Now I am so paranoid about humming that I don't dare hum or will run the risk of another tirade directed my way by the MPT.  She seems totally oblivious to her obnoxious behavior for which she is so critical of in others but herself, not so much.  But it being the High Holy Days I shall refrain from criticizing her refrain.

I have therapy today with Hyphen 2.  She wanted to see photos of the house, while I want to talk about other more pressing matters, like me having to do things I don't want to do, regards the planting of the Paulins' tree of life.  This is becoming a big deal.  They U wanted to do this on Thursday this week, something I found out only yesterday and said I have a doctor's appointment at the appointed time.  I requested that it be done the week of the 28th so I have time to round up the troops.  And I really don't want to have to plan a lunch to follow the planting.  I just want to walk back to work.  Need to speak to Hyphen 2 about this.

My finger tips are blistered from playing the mandolin and guitar so much.  Callouses are coming next.  I was able to play a little longer today.  And so it goes.  Working on pieces for the Jamming Jews evening at KI Synagogue.  I had a great "lesson" with Ben last night and worked up a few pieces.  More to come.

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