Thursday, September 3, 2015

Lights out!

Gotta love smart phones.  Here I sit in the dark illuminated by the glow of my soon to be outdated iPhone 6 and I get to blog. We, that is as far as my eyes can see, lost power over an hour ago. I have my emergency light on but at 3:34 a.m. I am unable or rather unwilling to go back to bed only to wake up who knows when  in spite of the alarm on my phone.

What I am thinking now that I and most of East Lansing has phoned the BWL to report the outage is how absolutely quiet it is without the hum of electricity. I have a big camping style light on and there is a clip on battery operated light on my music stand so I might as well practice my mandolin and make a joyful noise. I have nothing else going on.  I am still able to check my email and surf the web.  #gottalovesmartphones

The cats are shaking off the fear of the last storm that came through. It was a beaut.  Now as the overhead fans are off the house is heating up like an oven maybe too warm to play.  

Speaking of play this jamming Jew took some of the proceeds of the condo sale and (oh no you didn't) bought a new guitar.  A Guild. Not unlike the one Tommy Smothers (dating myself here) used to play. I had no intentions of getting a new guitar when I went to work in the morning it just kind of happened. And I see by my app that it will be here Friday, oh joy of joy. A nice long weekend to give it a workout. 

So Friday will be music and laundry with friends. Oh by the way it is still dark, humid and warm. I have a purring Simcha cat on my shoulder. Yankel is off snuffling in the music room and Gonif has settled in on the couch.  Coming up on 4:00 a.m.  Music to follow.  I almost hate to break the spell of the quiet.  Wait...I thought I heard the sound of a phone ringing.  Aurical illusion 

Well no time like the present. Off to make musical scale fall from my eyes or rather fingers

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