Tuesday, July 28, 2015

And the winner is...

Well, right now it's a tie.  As I sit home for yet another day due to this stupid leg injury that is keeping me from walking my walk, as well as talking the talk, I ponder....Hyphen 2 or Calvin's Mom.  So I decided to see each, one more time, in order to make a more informed decision.  Calvin's Mom has a strike against her as she took a call at during the first few minutes after our session began, a big strike in my book.  The mere fact that I could walk, if I could walk, to her office is not the only thing in her favor.  But that call taking really annoyed me.  Hyphen 2 is much like the original.  Very engaged and very intense.  I like that in a person.  Our session ran over fifteen minutes as she lost track of time.  If I had to choose based on that I'd take Hyphen 2.  But I want to be fair and see if Calvin's Mom can overcome that faux pas of the phone call.  Too close to call at this point.

As for this ankle injury that is slowly evolving, Urgent Care last week said it was a sprain and sent me on my way without so much as a fare thee well.  I am seeing my primary care doctor today and we will go from there.  I have virtually done nothing since last Tuesday when the injury just happened, like it does with people of a certain again.  No tripping, twisting or falling, just the sudden onset of pain when walking.  Today it feels slightly, ever so slightly, better.  I have to get back to work tomorrow but we shall see what the Doc says today.  I am tired of being in pain when I put any weight on the leg.  Urgent Care did take x-rays and said there were no breaks.  But something is wrong other than a sprain.

So that is basically my story for the last few days.  Shrinks and limping.  Limping and shrinks.

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