Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Sans Tuna

Well, I have not a care in the world as the Tuna is off all week.  My boss, silly woman, is in China teaching and left me in charge.  At least that is what she told me.  I am feeling empowered.  Tonight is a yoga class, the third in a series, and I really did enjoy the first class.  I was so enthused I bought a yoga mat, which I have hidden from the cats as it is foam and they love to chew foam things, like the handles on my snow shoe poles and the foam on all my guitar stands.  So my mat and block are locked in a closet awaiting my fetch tonight.  I have my union rep training session at lunch today and that will give me an opportunity for a head clearing walk.  I bought a device called a Spire, which in addition to measure steps measures focus, tension and calm.  I thought I would have no trouble being focused at work but it turned out when I thought I was focusing I was really tense for long periods of time.  So I am working on my breathing today and trying to focus without being tense.  It's a neat little device that is keeping me mindful of my state of being.  I will wear it, discreetly, to yoga today to see if I am able to maintain a calm mien.  I brought some of my roses in yesterday and not even that could generate a mind set of calm or focus for me.  No, yesterday I was just tense for long periods of time.  Right now it shows I am focused, so I am obviously doing something I enjoy.  Today I am wearing both the Spire and the Fitbit because God knows I need to keep track of myself.  Oops, I am out of focus bordering on tense again.  Time for a calm break and the opening of doors.