Saturday, July 11, 2015

Done deed

I was and am very unhappy and angry at the Bird and the Yoga Guy.  I essentially fired them both today.  She wasn't the right fit for my bipolar needs.  He has no sense of humor, is a literalist and make me chant my bullshit Om.  As a result I actually feel lighter and more calm than I have felt in recent weeks,   I am hoping my friend doesn't care if I don't go to this yoga class.  I found a new therapist and can call Monday to make an appointment for the 20th.  But basically I felt that if I had to take two Valium and four Neurontin before a session something was not working for me.  I can only hope that the new shrink at the very least has as sense of humor about life and can do cognitive based talk therapy.  That is the best thing for me.

I am going out tonight and try to forget all this bullshit of the past few weeks.  Going out to listen to some jazz.  I'll get me a club soda and will sit and relax.  Tomorrow breakfast out and then the farm market.  The weather is supposed to suck the next few days.  Sophie is in pain because of, among other things, the changing weather.  I'm a little weary of negative vibes and am distancing myself from the complainers and thems that has nothing better to do than whine.  Just don't need it now.  See my urologist Monday as I recently passed a kidney stone and feel like more may be coming down the pike.  No use complaining about this.  It is what it is.

Later my friends.

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