Tuesday, July 14, 2015


I dumped the therapist Bird and thought I had a Jolly good replacement but the office informed me I couldn't change therapists within the same practice.  It is their rule.  So I was SOL as far as getting a new therapist.  Well, the wise one told me  to  call the number on the back of my insurance card, which I did.  I was able to,get an appointment with Calvin's Mom at an office close to my home.  If she doesn't work out I have Hyphen 2.  I am checking her insurance policies.  But at least I have some options.  And I dropped the yoga as if your mantra is 'this is bullshit' apparently it is not for you.  So that will probably mean the class which originally had seven participants will be down to two people.   That should give the instrutor pause. It was billed as a trauma based yoga, to relieve trauma and PTSD and all it did was increase my anxiety.  So that is down,  and because that medical practice wouldn't let me change therapists, I am considering taking my psychiatric business elsewhere.  I just feel like I was screwed over.

And I have been home bound the last two days and another day tomorrow, waiting for a registered letter to come.  Oh, and BTW, I was able to sell the condo.  So that was another reason to miss work as I had paperwork to sign and meet with my realtor.  So it has been a hectic week thus far.  Thank goodness I have a session of reflexology planned for Saturday.  I need to decompress.

So that's my story of the last few days.  Bye, bye Birdie and hello Calvin's Mom.  Let's hope that plays out well as I can walk to appointments and be a little more self sufficient.  And that is one of my goals.  Hopefully I can get out some tomorrow and walks I am just a bundle of energy, thanks in part to an overconsumption of iced tea.  You might say I am a little buzzed on caffeine.  Oh, well. It is  what it is....

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