Tuesday, July 21, 2015

My gripe du jour

My psychiatrist's office, shall we call LIOBM, has been less than helpful with regards to getting me into a therapist.  I was seeing The Bird within their practice but then decided she wasn't a good fit.  I found another therapist in the same practice only to be told I couldn't see her as it would look like one therapist was swiping another therapist's clients.  This was bullshit as I know of one person who was 'allowed' to do this within the practice.  I got into a bit of a pissing match with the nurse practitioner when I called.  I had called twice asking for referrals and I received no call back. She said she didn't handle referrals anymore and I countered that she at least could have called to tell me that.  Pisser. Of the three names they gave me two never answered their phones or returned calls.  The third , Hyphen II is out of network and would cost a 20% co-pay.  I call that being less than helpful.  I am thinking of pulling out of that practice and going to one a little more responsive to my needs.

In any even I see Hyphen II next Monday.  I think of the two therapists I am test driving I am leaning more towards her than Calvin's Mom.  Calvin's Mom is in my network and I can walk to her office but Hyphen II seems a little more professional and her paperwork is more complete.  Still I will give each a chance.

This has all gotten me pretty upset to say the least.  So much so that I am taking a month off of lessons as I can't find the concentration to focus on playing.  I over did it Valium wise yesterday but at least I was able to sleep last night.  Oh, fux

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