Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Done with talking about MPT

That's right...I am done. I am done giving her power to make me miserable; she has done her last miserable and rude act to me.  From now I will not give her the power to dominate me with her negative energy.  Oh I know, gentle reader, this makes you sad.  You love hearing her irrepressible and illogical acts of fallacious reasoning.  But I can't give myself over to her Dark Side.  As in "come to,the dark side....we have chocolate" except she doesn't even have chocolate, just the occasional bagel.  Nope. I am now done.

And now for something completely different.  I spent part of yesterday morning getting the new X1 operating system for my cable and, Lordy, is it ever cool.   And the really cool part is it won't cost extra for the first two years.  I'll worry about after that then.  I have a remote I can speak to and it will change channels and set up series recordings.  I can record four shows at one, not that I would, but I could, and watch a fifth.  And I can watch my recordings not just in the living room but also in the bedroom which just has a dumb box.  It's all very cool to this Techno-Slut, as some have called me.

The drooping tomatoes plants have improved with the outpouring of rain yesterday.  I fear now I must drench them multiple times a day.  But I am getting tomatoes.  And peppers.  The herbs are doing fine with the sage producing a bumper crop I know not with what to do. Dill looks great and some nice basil and mint.  I love mint in my iced tea and I have a bumper crop of that as well.  So Sans Souci, garden-wise, has a few issues, but nothing I can't handle.

Gonif Cat is doing well on his high protein diet regimen and Yankel Boy might be shedding a pound or two.  Simcha is just Simcha...a happy go lucky youngest child with not a care in the world.  Except maybe that his treat tower is losing treats and has to be refilled.  And that is the morning cat report. Speaking of cats my pal Louis took the nicest photo of Simcha and gave it to me framed for my birthday and it is proudly displayed on he living room book shelves.

Well, I must be off. Time to haul my sorry ass to work.  I'll have lots of miles today as I have a dental appointment, need to pick up prescriptions and lunch and walk home.  Then there is yoga, that's right yoga, tonight.  Busy day.

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