Thursday, July 16, 2015

Overdid it again in multiple ways

I may well have two therapists.  I have an appointment next Friday with Calvin's Mom and I had just the  most lovely chat with Hyphen 2 so I am really torn.  I will see both once and make a decision.  The former I can walk to her office; the latter would require using my personal limousine service, aka JB, as a means of transport.  So that is the first overdo.

Last night was the second.  Having waited two days for a large check to materialize I finally was able to deposit it.  Then I walked over nine miles yesterday, culminating in a walk with JB through my neighborhood, stopping to look at unique houses and their yards.  It was pleasant.  But by the time she left the two Valium and headache medicine had kicked in and for all intents I was loopy.  Ordered dinner in because  I wasn't fit to cook and then barely touched a mouthful before I decided to call it a night and went to bed at 10, only to be wide awake at midnight.  So it goes.

I was surprised this morning when the size ten jeans fit me like a glove.  Down from a size sixteen to a ten in five months,  pretty damn good, I would say.  And I am wearing my  comfy new shoes, Hush Puppies.  I forgot how nice that brand feels.  I am ready for my Union meeting today.  Good long walk and nothing to do tonight but grill a steak and kick back with a glass of my new found favorite beverage black tea lemonade with mango.  Lovely over ice. That's a good overdo.

Simcha is being very attentive this morning and Gonif puked at 2:00 a.m. So we have kinda been up since then.  Yankel is on the dining room table looking for a handout.  And that is the morning cat report.  I am taking my somewhat svelte self into work.  The. Tummy is still there but shrinking.  So   off I go.

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