Monday, October 12, 2015

No bed-blogging

But I might have well done so the last few nights.  I seem to be in a no sleep mode of operation.  I didn't relax enough to fall asleep much before midnight and got up at 4:15 a.m. so I could practice music.  And you'd think I'd be tired as this has been going on for over a week.  But no.  I am wide awake.  At 11:00 p.m. last night I was rummaging through the kitchen looking for my recipes and success at last, found the recipe for my fabulous linzer torte.  I will be making that Sunday for dinner guests, of which Sophie is one.  I promised to make her a linzer torte for her birthday but was on crutches and baking a torte was not feasible.  So this Sunday is the promised torte.  And a lovely dinner with friends from work, including Sophie of course.  Weather permitting we will sit outside and light the fire pit and break that in before the end of the season.

Yesterday I was very busy.  Read two newspapers, walked (slowly) to the farm market and planted over fifty bulbs while being ably assisted by JB.  When we were done we sat on the porch and had out beverages and enjoyed the beautiful fall day.  I had my hands full with washing clothes as well and that didn't wind up until almost 6:30 at which point I collapsed.

The lack of sleep is nothing new, but the last ten days or so it has gotten worse.  Getting by on three to four hours a night is not great.  Not even good.  Something to discuss with 2.0.  I did, however, get a good hour of practice in and am feeling better about the guitar playing.  Somewhere over the rainbow sounds really good and I can play from memory now.  The Hebrew songs I can play but not sing.  However, Bei Mir Bist Du Schon is sounding great. That was all I had time for this morning.

Looking forward to another blustery day at work.  Hopefully the MPT can shut up long enough that I can do my work.  For someone who constantly complains about ambient noise, from chatter to lawn mowers in the gardens next to the library, she is less than considerate about the noise she creates, and boy does she.  Sad to say that regardless my complaints management sees fit to do nothing.  And, in this regards, MPT takes no responsibility for her own noise.  Additionally, as she sees fit to tell everybody, she catalogs five books a day and the rest of the day is for socializing.  And Management sees no problem with the level of production.  MPT's cataloging leaves a great deal to be desired.  And it seems that a number of catalogers seem to feel comfortable forsaking authority work and leaving the clean up entirely in my hands.  Makes for a long day some days.  I am like the street cleaner after a parade of cataloging, sweeping up the debris and the occasional horse dropping.

So, on four hours of sleep I proceed.  Sophie and Junior Sophie are coming over today after work to work on computers and go shoe shopping in my closet.  Yes, I am giving up the honorific of Imelda to a more reasonable collection of shoes.  Maybe we can grill out tonight if the computer takes that long to set up.  Or I will grill out tonight after dark.  Dark comes so early these days and will come earlier still in a few weeks.  Oh, DST, thy sting is powerful.

Headphones on, volume up!

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