Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Today is THE day

Or it better be.  The boot must go.  As will the crutches.  And, no, I am not going to run or even walk a marathon the first day out.  Maybe not even the second day.  Right now I can't even manage the crutches with the trigger finger on my left hand.  I had a steroid injection at the base of the finger yesterday and it is, to say the very least, a little sore.  I am wearing a full Hyphen 2.0 outfit today as it is also therapy day.  So I am looking, to say the very least, sharp.  But the boot must go, to be placed in the basement along with other memories.  Yes, today is the day.  Two shoes, no limping.

I think I am due for a better streak in the coming months.  It has been since July 20th when the leg first headed south without me and I was walking on it for another two weeks before it was cloaked in said boot.  Ah, the pain, the sixty-four Oh, Gods I uttered at lunch one day when the pain was at its worse as counted by Sophie Handelman.  The day I nearly passed out at work and couldn't make it to therapy.  A few days after the first orthopedist opined that I didn't need to wear a boot.  Jackass.  

And just now to add insult to injury I wiped out on the way back from getting water.  My right leg went out from under me in a smooth motion.  I went down on my right elbow and hip, without, I say with injured pride, spilling the water I was carrying.  What a way to start out a day.  Fux and double fux.

So that said, the day has to get better.  Here's to bootless, tootless Tuesday.

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