Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Sleepless redux

I awoke at my usual time, that being 1:30 a.m., and realized that all these mornings that I have been waking at 1:30 or 2:00 a.m. it has been with a great deal of free floating anxiety.  This morning was the worse and I absolutely could not calm myself, not even with two Valiums.  I was too shaky to even play my mandolin or guitar this morning, something that usually soothes me.  Nope, today I must call How's your day, AKA Hyphen 2.0.  I need to deal with the anxiety issue and find out what is making me so anxious.  Right now I as shaky as a leaf on a tree about to fall into fall.  Must find some balance.  Sophie is out today and I am almost out of Valium and she's my medicine chest of late.  I can't think or concentrate which makes for ideal working conditions.  Fux and double fux

I will be on the phone quite a bit today and I am sure to hear about it from the MPT.  Although she has been getting a fair amount of phone calls relating to her turning 65.  And, yes Virginia, I can hear those conversations above the din of my iPod.  So for calls I must call orthopedist about bone density scan and about getting x-rays of my old fractured hip that is really bothering me these days.  A call to How's your day about anxiety.  A call to JB to change some arrangements for a ride on the 17th of November to the orthopod.    That should be about it.  Soph may call again after she gets a shot for her migraine.  I, today, am bereft of hope that things will ever be normal again, or what seems normal on any given day. 

So hush little baby (momma) don't say a word.  But there isn't going to be a mocking bird.  They have gone south, a departure I should like to make.   Good thing I get lunch with my financial guy this Friday.  Some of the anxiety is over money but this too shall pass.  Worry about this and that and what do you know I am buzzing with anxiety.  Add a dash of depression and you have a wonderful day ahead of you.  Enjoy!

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