Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Back in the prattle again

After a brief respite I return to my blog with absolutely nothing to say.  Well, not quite true.  My mouth, instead of getting me in trouble, is now silenced due to some issues with the temporary crowns on the front teeth.  Gums feel really irritated.  And speaking of irritated, it has been over a month since the incident  with the librarian  and her feeling I had disrespected her.  I am still awaiting the fallout from that but none seems forthcoming.  And the  librarian who incited the first librarian to go after me has been, mentally, castrated by my quick action in going to HR. That and her general poor reputation in the library.  I guess if you are friends with whales you get what you attract.

SPOILER ALERT: If you don't like what I say in this blog why are you still reading it? 

Of course there have been some rude remarks posted here and later redacted but that is water over the dam or under the bridge, whichever you prefer.  And that is all I am going to say on that topic.

Narwhals...I love narwhals.  They are the unicorns of the sea, but they actually exist.  Seems only the male has the horn (figures) and it is not so much a horn as it is tooth growing through the lip of the narwhals.  But the song of the narwhal is beautiful.  And yours would be too if you had a tooth growing through your lip.  I love them narwhals:Narwhals Song

Alrighty then.  Watching a marathon of old Law and Order episodes.  Waiting for the wished for sleepy bugs to land on my face.  Didn't have a chance to play guitar with the old duffer tonight.  Tomorrow is the midpoint of the week.  Next week I embark on the new evaluation process.  Point of information for my colleagues: when you have your review have your self evaluation done and be prepared to ask a lot of questions of your supervisor. Make sure you know or ask for your unit's goals and objectives and ask how you may best help your unit to achieve them.  Also go to HR and get a copy of your job description, not merely the list of your duties. For  me, pretending to be an authority librarian when in fact I don't have the coveted degree. Yet my function as the Authority Czarina is a position that at most other libraries is held by a librarian.  I was fortunate in 1989 to get the Czarina position and I have grown with the position and handled all the changes in technologies with a great deal of flair.  As I approach my 32nd year at MSU (March 6, 1984... A day that will live in infamy) I am proud of myself and my ability to handle change and sometimes work well with others.  I almost had to go on disability in 1990 because of being bipolar.  But better living through chemistry has served me well.  So, yes, I am justly proud to approach my work anniversary.  The Beached Whale notwithstanding I do really play well with others,.  Not only do I know Jack, but I know Jack Shit.  And as the children's book purported everybody poops.  Words to live by.

My grandmother had a expression she claimed was popular in Russia...she would tell me whether the water is salt or fresh, shit still floats.  Now those are words to live by.  And she was a brilliant woman.  Not schooled in the traditional fashion she was still savvy enough to help run an oil company in Detroit and provided the seed money for her brother in law to start his business.  She was the oldest of nine children and I have waxed nostalgic about the Friday night dinners at the manse in Detroit.  A lover of musical theater, she would take me out of school on a Wednesday to take me to a matinee at the Fisher Theater.  We would take not the "A" Train but the Hamilton bus to the theater. Our stop was in front of  Saks.  Then have lunch at the counter of a drug store in the Fisher Building.  How we got the tickets was sneaky, I guess, but worked. She played cards with the wife of the man who was legal counsel for the theater chain (The Nederlanders) and he would give us tickets to shows in trade for a pot of my grandmother's sweet and sour trout and don't ask how those smelled when she was cooking that dish.  My grandmother also played cards with the elite in Detroit, including Gilda Radner's grandmother. My oh my.  She was and continues to be a guiding spirit.  In retrospect she did have faults, such as withdrawing from me as a means of punishment when I acted badly,   But in general she was the one person who made life bearable when I was growing up. Yes, Dorothy and her youngest sister Martha (whose obit is still in my inbox) helped me to navigate school and life as I was growing up.

Anyway, I just noticed it is getting on to 10:30 and the bed is calling my name.  So now I bid you a sweet adieu...adieu

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