Sunday, February 7, 2016

Super Bore

Yes I am watching the darn Stupor Bowl and my team is behind.  Oh my...

I was able to get two walks in today and over five miles. Now doing laundry and making supper.  I must say how much I love my little house.  I truly do.  Seems like this house anticipated my arrival.  In any event this seems more like my home than any other abode I have aboded in. It fits like a glove.   I Like entertaining, I like the outside work in the yard and puttering.   I love deciding when to do laundry.  I feel very good about my little house and am so glad my financial guy said I could swing the deal.  This time last year my hallway at the condo looked like a loading dock, the inside was getting packed...eighteen years of stuff.  The new house was all torn up in remodeling.  In another month I will have moved in.  Almost a year I have been here. Planning my opening day party.  If you feel like crashing it the 4th is the date.  I am hoping with this mild winter that perhaps we will be able to sit outside and ponder the universe.  Yes, this house is good for both puttering and pondering,

The boys are on the couch and I have done the miss en place for dinner.  Once the laundry is in the dryer I shall start the meal.  Yep, I is a happy camper.  So maybe I have nothing to say.  I am anxious about tomorrow and the dental appointment.  I just wish it was over.  But I don't want to wish time away.  Now that I am in my sixties (OMG) it does seem like time is slipping away.  My aunt Marilyn called me in a panic as she just turned eighty five and she was having drams about dying,  I don't have that yet but it is comforting to know that my anticipations are correct and quantified.  I wondered with great aunt Martha at 105 what she thought when she indeed did wake,up in the morning...or just wake up.  It is said that humans are the only animal that knows it will die, that it has this as a conscious thought.  I don't know what brought this on.  Perhaps the knowledge that this will be my last home.  Thirty year mortgage will mean it will be paid off at ninety one years, God willing.

My team just scored.  But so what?  What is the meaning of it all and will it really mean something in the long run.  But my house is my home and my solace.  I hope to be like my neighbor across the street who just turned eighty eight.

Ah yes, one must imaging Sisyphus happy.

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