Saturday, February 27, 2016

Spring cleaning has commenced

In spite of the eleven inches of heavy, wet snow that fell on Wednesday and is currently melting quite nicely, thank you, spring cleaning is here in the person of a two man cleaning crew who is currently cleaning the  most used items in the house, the couch and the rug in the living room.  What are they finding....well, cat hair galore, as you might expect.  The cats are safely esconced in the bedroom and probably lay shuttering on the bed with all noise and new, fresh, clean scents.  The rest of the house is nominally clean.  I suspect in lieu of getting the windows replaced this year, which may still happen, I will have someone wash the windows inside and out.  And speaking of out, I am or will be taking bids to have the lawn basically ripped up and roto-tilled and seeded.  The front is very shady so I don't know how that will go but I can try.  My home in Detroit had a lush lawn back and front, suitable for walking barefooted in the summer months,  I don't expect that kind of lush lawn but anything has to be better than the disrepair the last owner left the lawn, not to mention the whole house.

Brandon and Eric, my rug and sofa cleaners, are having a field day.

This week brings the coming of March and if it comes in like the lion as we are due for another snow storm, then please let the rest of the month be lamb-like.  I am chomping at the bit to get out in the side yard and see what I can do with my small rose garden.  Also collect all the pots of soil and put them in the small tomato patch I put in last year that went to hell as I convalesced from my fracture leg.  This year I will have none of that.

What I may have is a cousin stay with me for the summer as he will be doing an internship, possibly at my library. He is one smart young man, currently at BGSU as a MLS student.  He was up last year and I arranged for him to meet and greet the head honchos at the library.  He must have impressed as he may be coming to catalog Spanish language materials if the funding is available.  So maybe he can help out around the house when he isn't water the lawn or bringing me a drink on the patio.  And speaking of the patio this year we must have that fire and sit around one evening with Soph and friends.

Yes, spring cleaning has commenced and I am ready for the actual spring,

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