Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Stream of consciousness

Here goes.  The first song I wrote in tenth grade. I won an award for it.  Thus is went

Though your love phrases are extemporus
They're really not contemporus
To what's going on today

And the thing I am abhoring
Is the fact that you're so boring
And I not in the mood today.

Ogden Nash might be proud.  The melody was simple and the words were twisted but good enough for a Scholastic Writing Award (alright an honorable mention but not a trophy for merely participating).  I'd like to think I have progressed.  Maybe not.

In any event speaking of not merely getting a trophy for participating my annual evaluation. Went extremely well.  And this blog was even mentioned but no mention of ending the blog just to be certain that is is on my time and not the library's and on my tablet and my Gmail account.  Thus I think the long anticipated fallout that a certain Monsieur was swift to point out is not to be forthcoming.  I can't help but to bask in the sunshine of freedom of expression.

Alright.  So I am in th clear and have the end of the year to prove my worth.  I am thinking retirement in a few years.  As the days dwindling down to a precious few I am proud of the time I have served MSU and proud to be an Area Rep for my Union.   I am not a freeloader.  My Union bargains for me and gets me benefits like health care and raises.  I feel I owe them not merely my allegiance but my dues.

I haven't slighted anyone recently.  MPT has been a pain in the arse with her constant sighing and clearing of the throat.  Even with headphones on I can hear the sighs.  As for the Madame Defarge she continues to knit her brows whenever she spies me.  But,  unlike her symbolic knitting no heads will roll.

Update: my crowns were put in place today and while it feels weird I think my mouth looks grand.  However they numbed me up so much that by the time I got back to work my nose was very runny and I didn't realize it.  Talk about embarrassing.  It took until almost four hours for the novocaine to wear off.  I have to floss and brush myriad times a day.  But I am not used to how smooth my mouth feels.

Reflections.  I gots them.  Positive evaluation, the sense that the blog is being widely read and not to be banned.  Teeth...yay!!!  Oh but the days are dwindling .  Tempus fugit I say.  Tempus Fux is more like it.  The bond between me and the world is strong.  The days dwindle.  I dwindle.  I dawdle I putter and ponder.  Time to get to bed.

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