Saturday, February 20, 2016

The Song(s) in my Head

It just occurred to me that I have been humming (sorry MPT) the theme song from Leave it to Beaver, which some gentleman at Wharton thought I was scatting to Miles.  Whilst I was in the shower the song turned into the Mighty Mouse in...'Here I come to save the day...'  Odd,  I think.  That put me in mind of the late Andy Kaufman...he did a bit on Saturday Night Live with an old 45 rpm record player (watch out, I am morphing a memory), and he was wearing a white leisure suit and lip syncing to the song.  It was pure performance art, yet no one knew what to make of it.  Kaufman was a bit of an odd duck but he was perfect for his role on Taxi.

So this just seems so odd to me.  The songs that get stuck in our heads.  My most popular (to me) number is La Vie en Rose...I hum that often.  I am not much for idle humming; I normally have a song in my head.  Oops now it is the overture to Die Fliesdermaus.  I hope the spelling is correct.  I feel like thumping la la la la la la la lala thump thump...

Alright.  I had a busy wonderful day.  I was up at 6:30 as the first light was filtered through the trees in the back yard.  Oh my gosh what didn't I do.  I straightened up the music/cat room. Cleared off the front porch and tucked away all the boxes that had accumulated.  Then on to laundry and watching The Black List.  That done I headed to Kroger's and did my grocery shopping.  Walked home and put stuff away.  Mail came and that mandated a walk to the bank and then Panera's and purchased some breads and made myself a lovely chicken salad sandwich while humming the theme to Leave it to Beaver when I returned home. The best part of the day was the fact it was warm  (oh please  tulips...don't bloom yet) and the sun is pouring through the windows.  This is a mere prelude of what is to come...but being only February 20th I fear the winter is not done with us yet.  A tease, as it were, pure and simple.  Ah but the Lenten roses should be perking up as well as the snowbells I planted last March.

Oh, my...if this were really the end of winter and the start of mud aeon (see: e.e. Cummings).  Ah, mud lusciously and puddle wonderful.  Like my flowers I perk up as the winter end.  Pitchers catchers reported to spring training this past Monday.  Hope does spring eternal.  Come Marxh 1 the spring training games will be televised.  And then April 4th Opening Day.  Six months of listening to the crack of the bat, the thump of the ball in the catcher's mitt.  And the song of the turtle dove is once again heard in the land.

Ah, spring, my favorite time of year.  But cruel Michigan will probably snow a good one next month...thus this is merely foreshadowing.  El NiƱo is responsible for this mild winter.  Be still my heart...this is but a taste of what is this come,

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