Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Big Chill

So here is the view from my window at work.  Yes, indeed, I was able to make it in this morning.  Very quiet this morning.  Big Daddy dropped Jane 2.0 off and the air redolent with ketchup and tater tots.  What she eats at her desk and why is beyond me.

Yea it is quiet here.  Hoping the Green Tuna, not to be confused with MPT, can make it in.  All in all, as it has stopped snowing and I can say that it is rather beautiful outside.  Now this weekend when the temperature warms up to the mid forties and this incredible snowfall melts and resolves itself into mud I merely hope that the sudden influx of warmth doesn't cause my basement to flood.

And now I must call Sophie and let her know I am fine.  In the interim here is the aforementioned photo.

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