Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Bore--Trolling for dollops

For those of you wondering how my mouth is...after almost an hour in the dentist chair yesterday I have two lovely temporary crowns on my two top front teeth.  Now I am living in dread that they will fall out before the permanent crowns are ready and I will look like Ma Kettle, not that I am vain, mind you.   The temporary crowns feel weird and I keep playing my tongue over them, plus the packing they have put in the gums to accommodate the permanent crowns so my gums feel swollen.  I have to eat soft foods for two weeks and no candy or gum.  The feel is so very strange that I have seen the dentist office staff again today (ostensibly to drop off my bite splint) but really for some hand holding, which they were glad to do.  Also they have since called and asked how I am doing.  What an ordeal (not really).  I am "heartened" they were able to save my small teeth (not quite the big mouth you thought I was, eh?) and in two weeks I shall be whole again.  So lots of pasta and rice the next two weeks.  Yogurt to be sure.  Eating soup is a small challenge as it keeps falling out of the side of my mouth.  Drat...some of the plastic has dropped out of my mouth.  Ah, well, to be expected with all this tongue-play. 

But, enough about me...How you doing?

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