Sunday, February 14, 2016

Happy trails

It has come to my attention that I am intensely ugly and I lisp, to which I plead guilty as charged.  And as for feral cats, I suppose they go where they can get a handout and a place to sleep.  Maybe your house? To wit, to woo,  I thaught I thaw a puddy cat.

I had a perfectly lovely, but intensely cold weekend.  Made a big pot of stew and gobbled it up.  Had a tender moment with a good friend.  We went shopping and had coffee and a great talk, mostly politics.  Also did some tech support for some friends and their cell phones.  Sunday morningthe paper didn't come, Lady Madonna.  Yep, just a quiet weekend.

I may have gotten myself into some "trouble" with my Rabbi as I have agreed to coordinate yet another music program, maybe even two.  It was my idea to have a coffee house type function ar the synagogue and also coordinate an Jewish a Capella group.  Just when I thought it was safe to go in the water again, I apparently jumped into the shark's gaping maw.  My first order of business will be to get someone to mentor and/or. coordinate with me.  For the coffee house I may take the opportunity to play some original music, which I find pleasant but probably wouldn't pass muster at a songwriters convention.  But the bottom line is I like the community of the synagogue and although I rarely go to services I am a known quantity.  I am also volunteering once a month to serve or cook food for a homeless shelter we have partnered with. Yes, it is a good group of people, all highly educated and all have a love of music as I can't go to the symphony or other shows at Wharton without running into people from synagogue.  In fact you can't swing a dead feral cat without having a Jew show up.

In addition to lisping when I am tired I also begin seeing double when I am tired.  Like now.  Typing with one eye tied behind my back so excuse the typos.  Yankel Cat is yowling for treats, Simcha is belly up on the couch and the Gonif Cat is in the bedroom waiting for my arrival.  I have another week with the temporary crowns and it can't pass fast enough.  Mouth hurts and the roof feels like I ate hot pizza when it was too hot.  And the packing in my gums is very irritating.  All in all I can't wait for permanent crowns.  Yeah, the Authority Czarina needs a new crown, two in fact. I am probably lisping more than usual and that is part of my charm.

And indeed I bid you adieu.  Sleep is attacking me on all sides.  This small minded, rotten mouthed and sorry excuse for a person needs her lack of beauty sleep as I ponder the universe.

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