Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Drooling for Trollope or message in a bottle

Nothing goes away on the Internet.  Nothing (got it?).  So I know if I write something here there will always be a permanent record in the universe somewhere waiting to bite me in the ass.  I can live with that.  So, gentle reader, if you have left comments I thank you, regardless of their content.  But please remember they are permanent and while you can redact them on the blog they are still in my Gmail account.  So a steady stream of "you suck" are now in cyberspace for all the ages.  I mention this because I want there to be a free and accessible blog with room for your comments.  And since these comments are in my Gmail account they are traceable.  So, if you have the courage of your confessions, as I do, rant on. 

That said, on to other things.  Like my mouth.  Thank God for Wicked Whoopie Pies from Maine.  These tasty morsels are the main portion of my diet for the next two weeks because of the mouth.  Soft foods, I don't need no stinking soft foods, not when I have those pies.  I tried to eat some Chinese food last night and that didn't go so well.  In steps the Wicked Whoopie Pies and says, as if to Alice, "eat me"...I had a coconut cream one last night.  To die for...So it is good to know I will make it through the next two weeks with my tongue every twisting on each temporary crown.

No Old Duffer this week to play music with.  I must confess I do enjoy our time together, especially when the playing is done and we just sit and talk.  So now we play for an hour and then we talk for another hour.  Go figure.  It is even more enjoyable when his wife joins us. 

Going to go to a women's basketball game this week with my colon pal.  We always go when the temperature dips and this week is no different.  So Thursday we have a 6:30 game against Penn State I do believe.  No popcorn for this chicky.  Maybe in two weeks.  My gosh, in two weeks the end of the season will be approaching fast and March Madness will be upon us.  We better hasten to a game soon.  And so we shall.

So there you have it.  Nothing earth shattering, just the news that gives me fits.