Sunday, February 7, 2016

Sunday morning...very early..coming down...

It are very early Sunday morning and I am a little restless and pissed .  The ear piece of my glasses fell off.  Good thing they are under warranty.  And while I am still waiting for the much anticipated fallout and another rebuff by Monsieur Jacques I thought I might post this very pleasant weekend edition.  Sunday it might rain.  Still I need to get out and get Fitbitted, as it were, getting some groceries and mayhap taking a second walk.  I am glad I was able to take Friday off and rest as the coming on cold came and went in three days. Felt good enough Saturday to get out with the now retired Sophie and sister Ethel.  Went to a great market that still has a butcher counter.  I was hoping to get a brisket but sad to say they had none.  I settled for some stew meat and shall prepare beef stroganoff for supper tonight as I have a surfeit of mushrooms.  Should get out early in the morning to get half and half for coffee as the last of it is spent.

Let's deal with cats.  The oldest, Gonif, has been whomping on Simcha, the youngest and I think I have figured out why.  It is jealousy.  When Simcha wants to cuddle he is right on my head, usually drooling on my face, and Gonif, who is my special baby, seems to be jealous and gets pissy with Simcha, much to the amusement of truffle hunting big boy Yankel.  Last week, whilst having a weekly session of reflexology,  I saw the look in Gonif's eyes that he was about to pounce on Simcha who was sittings on arm of the chair and before I could stop him he did indeed pound, and as Simcha fled the planter with pebbles and a bamboo plant went scattering across the floor thus breaking the calm of the moment.  Well, shit...the reflexologist cleaned most of it up and I didn't have the meltdown I would have had if I had been alone, which might be a good thing.  Only a few chosen words escaped my lips and not the loud torrent of words I might have used had I been alone.  After that every thing was calm for the most part.  Still Gonif persists in whomping on Simcha.  Usually when Simcha is asleep or unaware which is most of the time.

Let's deal with groceries.  I did purchase some half and half yesterday but the container exploded leaving me with a mess that the cats were all to willing to clean up.  No meltdown then.  So I made a little list, as they say in the Mikado...I think I will go out at first light to get my groceries and fill in with some staples I need that the special market either didn't have or were too expensive. After shopping yesterday I came home and made the call to my friend who needed some tech support and to talk.  Which we did, all the while watching MSU beat up on Michigan in basketball.  Oh yeah!  Talked about my impending dental appointment Monday to get two, count 'em, two crowns.  My mouth will be good and numb. The dentist said the appointment would last almost two hours.  Yeah, baby.  I might go home or I might go back to work, where the offended who are offendable, can make light of my dental woes.  I am a big time grinder of tooth  and justice and the American way.  So I am getting a set of porcelain crowns.  I have been whitening the teeth now for  two weeks and the crown will match my new smile.

I seem to have wandered from groceries to mouth.  I just want everyone to know I might be an easy target on Monday should I return to work post dental extravaganza.  And I will be an easy target for two weeks as I can't get in to see the American Girl Therapist until the 18th of the month,  which coincidentally we have tickets to see Paula Poundstone that night.  Yes another evening spent in the good company of Sophie,  to wit and too woo we shall be going to dinner prior to the show.

You know I think I am up for the night. The misstep with the glasses pisses me off as I will have to go back and have them fix or replace the frame.  And don't ya know they ain't open On Sunday.

I received a note from a distant cousin who is in library school at Bowling Green.  I offered him a place to stay when he is up here for a internship. He's a nice kid, all of twenty two.  He seems earnest and is a thoughtful person.  There is some indication that he has Asperger's, which is a high functioning type of autism.  He is a good candidate for library work as he wants to be a cataloguer, which is very intense work and does not have a people factor.

And finally Jack.  Maybe s/he will leave a comment concerning my mouth (how's that for an easy target?). And for their every thrust I seem to be able to parry and soon Jack redacts the comment.  So, let's see.  I think I will list possible targets for Jack.  My mouth is one...the misfortune of glasses is another.  Maybe the infighting amongst the cats.  Or now I have just noticed the police are up the street and it doesn't seem to be a traffic stop.   But ah, no, the cats are quietly sleeping on the couch.  I now only see one cop car so maybe it's a domestic dispute.  Hopefully it is not another neighborhood home invasion (and I don't want Jack to work on that number)..

So, good evening ladies and gentlemen the cop car is gone.  My porch lights, which tonight are green, should discourage anyone from coming to my door uninvited.  I have on my spare pair 'o glasses...and all is right with the world.  I truly haven't pissed anyone off in a week.  The intellectual discussion which got a very hostile reply from MPT, and generated a good deal of support for my position, has had a week to fester, and  if the bully was going to bully some more I do believe and I could be wrong, that the wind has been taken out of their sails.  Oops,  there I go against, rapping on people,   Flail away my friend, flail away.

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