Friday, January 9, 2015

...a tropical heat wave

May not be able to close on the house Monday as planned,  but will definitely close at some point next week.  The mortgage guy need some more paperwork from Dan the Man and Dan just came back from Florida on the 5th.  And this way I will be able to see Hyphen on Monday and not have to brave the ridiculous weather to get to the bank until it 'warms' up next week.

Sophie and I are going to the symphony Saturday and to dinner beforehand.  Be nice to have the symphony to relax to that day.  Sunday, the three muskrats are going to an early supper.  Nice to stay busy while waiting to close.  Meanwhile Toni is coming this weekend to help organize the music room so I can pack some items to give to a coworker at the library for her first apartment.  Maybe then I will be able to get into my closet.  And the hall looks like a staging area for the Normandy Invasion.  Sophie's housewarming gift of an outdoor fire pit is stacked on top of a patio set, which is next to two rolled up rugs and a snow shovel.  Once we close I can start taking stuff over and leave it in the basement of the ne abode, Sans Souci.  So things ar moving about as fast as I can get then to go right now.

So, my life is a bit disrupted right now, which causes me loads of stress.  Once we can organize the music room and hall I might relax.  Might.  Time to see if there are more Valium taped to the handle of the vacuum cleaner.

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