Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Rabbi

Was very helpful in regards to Jerry's ashes.  He found for me a site where you can purchase soil for the soul.  That is a composting mixture for ashes in which you can plant a tree, or a shrub for that matter.  And the ashes won't taint the soil (or soul).   It takes the pH and acidity out of the ashes by mixing it with the compost mixture and makes for a lovely potting soil.  Today I am going to see if I can donate a tree to the library and have the ashes and compost mixed with the soil (and soul?).  So this issue may get resolve today.  Until the weather is suitable for planting Jerry can reside with our friend Toni.

Hopefully, I will close on my house, to be known as Sans Souci, on Monday.   It has been like pulling teeth getting the last of the paperwork in, while at the same time worrying about Jerry,.  And today of all days I have a doctor appointment where she will most likely ream me a new one over recent lab work.

Meanwhile it is colder than a well digger's ass out.  Gotta love winter in Michigan.  High of ten degree...Tropical.

I am taking a few weeks off from lessons as my left hand is achy and Mondays of late have been very busy with Sans Souci issues, like closing and getting the contractor in to get my final design plans.

And here it to work....

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