Sunday, January 25, 2015


I spent the weekend alternating between being in a tizzy and being out of control.  I am basically feeling overwhelmed.  Having two homes is proving to be a test of character for me.  Did pick out paint for the new house.  But moving stuff from my bedroom to Sans Souci didn't materialize.  The realtor is coming Tuesday night to assess the condo and get the paperwork going for the sale of the condo.  I am going to the new house tomorrow to hang mezzuzahs and take photos of the work in progress.  Friday we go to the kitchen and bath showroom to look at designs for the kitchen.  But basically I am overwhelmed.  I keep going through the process mentally and emotionally and just feel  overwhelmed.  There are times I can't enduring talking to anyone and times when I do feel like talking and not telling the other person to go fux themselves. My aunt called on Saturday with suggestions for the house and I couldn't wait to get off he phone.  She was listing all the things I need to do for the house, things I had already thought of and listed in my book.  I just wanted her to shut up.  Oh God.  So today I slept much of the day away and just took some sleeping pills.  Dan won't be around much of the week and I may need his kick in the ass.

Anyway, homeownership is intense, especially if you have two homes to account for.  Overwhelmed. And I am sure folks are getting tired of me whining about work on the house.  Maybe getting the mezzuzahs on the house will calm me down.  Who knows?  Okay, time to make relax and get geared up for tomorrow.

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