Friday, January 23, 2015

On second thought

Since the new house was a short sale, a step just before foreclosure, I was feeling rather empathetic towards the seller.  She seemed like a nice, older lady who just couldn't handle the physical upkeep of the house.  Well, fuxers, the empathy is gone once I spoke with Brad, he of the general contractor personage.  He said when they took the sink out the pipes just fell to the floor, clogged and rotted.  Now he tells me we will probably have to redo the whole bathroom as the toilet is shot, the sink is cracked and the tile is cracked in multiple places necessitating a complete remodel if I want my walk in shower.  The toilet has to be replaced.  So, from my beautiful blue tiled bathroom to a more functional and functioning one we are going with white.  I'll have an oak vanity, medicine chest, and an oak cabinet above the toilet.  I can still use my blue towels and shower curtain but now they will be "pops" of color.  I am going to Sans Souci on Monday. To  view the wreckage or rather will see the progress.  The attic insulation. Took an extra eight bags of insulating materials.

What have I learned so far...don't trust older ladies playing on your sympathy bone.  The inspection went well and there was no reason to suspect she would be underhanded,  I guess we all should have looked deeper.  P.S. The cats asked for a countertop by the window that overlooks the deck and subsequently the whole of the backyard.  No reason given but I suspect it is to accommodate the watching of wildlife.  PLUS... Yankel, he who must be obeyed, likes to lay on his own countertop.  Although accessing it at his weight might require some finesse.

Off I go.

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