Wednesday, January 14, 2015

A veritable plague of Frogs

Seems the thermometer has plunged low enough, yet there is some moisture in the air.  The result...frozen fog, or, as I refer to it as Frog.  Amilah the bakery gal referred to it as fairy dusty but that seems to be an approbation. 

Had a not so lovely morning so far.  I awoke to the dulcet tones of Mister Gonif puking his way around the condo.  I didn't find the "bulk" of it until just before I left for work, which, along with some other morning FUBARs, induced me to take some Valium.  Speaking of inducements to Valium myself, closing on Sans Souci will be this Friday so, wait for it, a DAY OFF!!!  Much running around to do, cashier's checks to get, a hair cut in the works, etc.

I can start hauling stuff over to the new abode, Sans Souci this weekend.  Maybe Bernie and Dan can help facilitate some of that move.  Then the work begins.  Bernie to paint and then the heavy work with Brad the contractor.

So, readers of this venerable blog, stay tuned for a open invitation to the Annual Opening Day of Baseball Season party and Open House on April 6th from 2-8.  Sans Souci Awaits you.

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