Thursday, January 8, 2015

We're having a heat wave

A tropical heat it's not surprising I have on three layers , yes, we are having a heat wave.

And, more good news....snow tonight.  Next week I will be a home owner and be in need of shoveling "my" snow.  Maybe I can get Bernie to do it.  I'll. See him this week to handle the clusterfux of a vacuum cleaner that came without the necessary screws... But thank goodness there were two Valium taped to the handle and I was able to weather, so to speak, that storm.

Spent a great deal of time faxing materials for the house and the closing.  I did not have any new emails from the realtor or mortgage company this morning so I may be good to go for Monday.  I'd like to know what my final costs are so I can get th cashiers check for the closing.

So to calm me this weekend the three muscatels will be outgoing for a nice dinner on Sunday.  Because we are eating dinner so early by my schedule I may opt to have an early breakfast and save myself for dinner.  Red Cedar Grill is the restaurant of choice.

I had a talk with Seth the Development Officer for the library about planting Jerry.  Wouldn't be the first time he'd be potted and probably not the last.  All of that seems a go from the library's standpoint, now we new the Grounds Department approval and that could run $3,000 for a tree to be planted at the library.  That would be considered a donation to the U so should be a tax write off.  Which really would not matter as long as I believe Jerry is where he would have wanted to be and is at peace.

Let's end on an up note ...Ta Da!!!  Nussbaum, a new student at Harvard walks up to an upper classman and asks "where is the student union at?" To which the upper classman responds in a very belittling tone, "here at Harvard we do not end a sentence with a preposition", to which Nussbaum responds "alright, where is the student union at, you asshole?"  Point taken.

One more.  Morty walks into a McDonalds.  "Boy, am I thirsty, am I thirsty.  I haven't had a sip of water in days.  Boy, am I thirsty". A McDonald's employee takes pity on the old guy and offers him a ice cold glass of water, which Morty gratefully drinks.  "Boy," says Morty "was I thirsty!"

More Zen Judaism.

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