Monday, January 12, 2015

You may think your nose it dirty...

But, as my mother used to sing to me, it's snot.  Charming woman, my mother,  the whole of the song went "you've got freckles on your butt....I love you, you may think your nose is dirty but it's s'not!"

I don't know why I bring this up other than to say, well...the shit doesn't fall far from the bat.  Each step in my journey is a step farther removed from that mother.  The first house with PJ was a first step removed from the parental nest.   The current abode a step removed from both PJ and family and I am leaving  some, perhaps all that baggage behind.  The new house a fresh start at the ripe age of sixty. So much new, like actually having not only a bedroom but a bed to put in it.  And, hell, the new kitchen...what says home more than sustenance from my new kitchen made wholesome by my own hands.

The nice thing about the delay in closing was that the interest rate I locked in to has gone down almost half a point to 3.85%...who could complain?

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