Monday, January 5, 2015


Welcome to the very cold new year.  Thank God Hyphen is back, but just so.  She left her appointment book with her missing luggage.  Oh well, I am still a go for today.   Discuss: neW beginning...right?  So, should I scatter Jerry before the move or take him with  me and have that carry over to the new abode?  I am thinking a fresh start and scatter Jerry during spring break in March.  Am I ready? I really don't know.  Something Hyphen and I shall discuss ad naseum.  I am all up in the air about what do do.  Oh, sure, you can weigh in.  But I am leaning towards a scattering to let him be in pieces and peace.  The move might be the perfect way to come to a closure,  I found Jerry dead, laying on the floor of his condo, seemingly peaceful, but that one moment will haunt me the rest of my life.  Time for some closure?  Part of the reason for the new house and move is the lack of Jerry as my friend and neighbor.  I should like to know if I am ready to let go.  But I have never had someone entrust me with their ashes and I really don't have a clue.  Maybe speak with the Rabbi at KI as well as Hyphen.  I want to do right by Jerry (and his car Sassy who is also in ashes in a box In the bag).  I am just Not sure how to proceed.  Hyphen first, Rabbi Z second.  My heart is third.

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