Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Simcha chills, the Czarina does pills (and Debbie does Dallas)

 Simcha is ready to move. He is all packed and here he is relaxing, perhaps pondering his new environs.  He has taken over Yankel's position on the couch, forcing Yankel to take refuge in the music room beds.  Ah, a quiet moment before the storm of packing.

Well, not so quiet.  Can you find the kitty in the maze of boxes?  From a moment of quietude to the miasma of moving.  Boxes heaped upon boxes.  Most of these boxes are destined for the new kitchen.  Something like twenty five drawers and cabinets, all awaiting these boxes.  From pasta to ice cream, bread boxes to toasters, food processor to new red enameled cast iron cookware.   Oh, Lordy, what a bloody mess.  All new appliances.  All new floors, refinished just today.  New blinds going in this week, the washer and dryer being delivered.  All this is prelude to the final packing of the condo's contents on Tuesday next.  Eighteen years of clutter to pack and move.  Deep seated panic is setting in.  How can all this be packed and moved in two days?   Simcha has the right idea...just chill.  Maybe I can put myself in a carrier and they can cart me over with the cats. And below, in addition to Mister Simcha, we see boxes destined for the bedroom.  Linens and things.  And God knows what else.  Has anyone see Jimmy Hoffa lately?  It's a big box....I am just saying...

1 comment:

  1. Just remember in the midst of the madness, to keep your eye on the prize: Baseball season!
