Thursday, March 19, 2015

Before and after

This is the original hole in the wall whence what was the kitchen.
 And now this is the mostly finished kitchen.  What an improvement over the hole that once was.  The faucet needs to be added and the back splash.  All that will be done by Saturday.  Indeed the painting will be done thorough the house and by the end of Monday the floors will all be finished like the last photo in this array.  And yes, Tootsie, once again I am just too pumped to sleep.  The boys are all calmly resting  and I am bouncing off the walls. Plus a  little GERD is also keeping me awake.  By this time next week I will be wide awake in my new bed in my newly remodeled home.  I did find out the plumber has to come today and snake out the drains in the bathroom.  How that old woman managed to live it that dump of an ill cared for house is beyond me.  It was a short sale and initially I felt sorry for the lady but the mess she left behind disabused me of that notion rather quickly.  So as I sit upright and hope the reflux calms enough so I can get at least a few hours of sleep, I am doing emotional cartwheels over the beautiful remodel that Brad and his crew did in two months.  Yes, and also this week the blinds will go in, the washer and dryer will be delivered and installed and come Tuesday the 24th I will be in the midst of packing with Bonnie and her crew.  I guess today is in fact Thursday and I have a busy day ahead of me and some sleep might help me make a better day of it but, hell no, I am just so damn excited I could plotz. And plotz I have and will continue.

  Does not this red oak floor look fabulous?   This will go so nice with the birch built in book shelves in the living room.  All I can say is  big fat WOW!

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