Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Magic Plastic Tuna and her disappeared toaster

We had a party at work today and a few people brought in bagels.  Now, a little background.  When I lived on the other side of Technical Services I had brought in a bagel slicer and a black toaster.  When I moved to my present location I left the toaster in possession of the Magic Plastic Tuna.  That was a little over two years ago.  Today of all days she of the Plastic Tuna was querying everybody in Technical Services as to the location of the toaster I had entrusted to her years ago.  And to no avail.  Now, worry not gentle reader as there are two, count them, two toasters out in the Cyber Cafe.  Yet for the  next two hours  Magic Plastic Tuna was wandering about, bagel in tow, seeking a toaster.  It just boggles the mind that she was so intent on finding that toaster she had misplaced that she spent two hours and bothered countless people for that toaster.  Such is the pit bull essence of Magic Plastic Tuna.  I don't know if she ever got her bagel toasted but it did serve as comic relief on the order of Waiting for Godot.  Wait, here's the walks Godot and we have a picnic, sans toaster, wearing a breathing mask in case of an attack by a moldy book, arranged by color and size for all those OCD folks in the building.

This said, it was a bizarre day at OK Corral.  Thursday I have my evaluation which is not causing me any concern.  And then my Union training luncheon.  That will make for a quick day.  I have a session of reflexology tomorrow as well and Friday we go see Billy Strings.  This is all a delightful interlude before the move.  Sunday will be busy.  I should be able to get all the rugs down and set up the music room.  Get food and Coke in the fridge.  And then be ready for the big move.  I am anxious just to get it over.  The concert we planned on seeing next week was cancelled and that was a bit of kismet as I didn't think I would rally have time to go.

So, Hyphen, see how calm I be.  Valium is indeed mother's little helper.


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